
Farson Lateral Piping & Hydro Project

BOR WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grant, 2020

The Eden Valley Irrigation and Drainage District (EVIDD or District) Farson Lateral Phase III Piping and Hydro Project will use funds to conserve 666 acre-feet of water per year with the piping of 6,200 feet of unlined laterals with 63-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe… Continue Reading

Raft River Subbasin and Aquifer Water Quality and Recharge Project

Idaho DEQ §319 Nonpoint Source Management Program, 2020

Ongoing declines in groundwater levels and heavy anthropomorphic impacts have changed the historically flowing Raft River into a dry river bed that has become largely channelized and detached from the historic river channel and floodplain. The dry conditions are unable to support riparian vegetation needed to stabilize the banks, resulting in a mobile alluvial streambed that easily transports sediment and debris downstream during flood events. The purpose of this project is to detain and divert flood flows and decrease the sediment load in the Raft River during flood events by diverting polluted water into an adjacent, high-infiltration rate sediment basin… Continue reading